Audio Script

Student 1: hey, guess what I just did! I stole Mr. Grimsley's purse from the class next to ours.

Student 2: wow that's crazy, why'd you do it. You know can get into big trouble if you get caught right?

Student 1: of course, I'm perfectly aware of what I'm doing and what can happen. Don't worry about it. But anyways, what do you thinks in his purse?

Student 2: I don't know let's open it and check it out.

Student 2: so, what'd you find inside his purse?

Student 1: oh, its just some boring items. There's a lame book and fancy watch. There's nothing useful or cool in his purse. I always knew Mr. Grimsley was lame person, but I didn't expect him to carry boring lame things too. Ugh.

Student 2: hey you think we can sell the watch? I mean it looks expensive. Its probably worth a decent amount of money. And then we can maybe dump the rest of this stuff to get rid of the evidence.

Student 1: actually, that's a pretty good idea. We should open a face book marketplace page for the watch. Wait, but what if Mr. Grimsley sees the Facebook page? Old people are almost always on Facebook!

Student 2: eh what's the chance that he comes across it out of the any other items? Plus, if he does find it, we can say we came across it on the street.

Student 1: okay! But where are we going to dump the rest of the stuff? Why don't we just sell everything including the purse?

Student 2: because, if we sell everything its going to be too suspicious. Then he'll know that you stole his purse and sold his belongings. Imagine the trouble we could get into for that. We could be suspended or even expelled!

Student 1: oh no! Then I guess we shouldn't do that then. Let's just sell the watch.

Student 2: yeah, we should probably leave class soon to dump the rest of the stuff before Mr. Grimsley notices that his purse is gone.

Student 1: Ok, after that we can go to the computer lab to set up the Facebook marketplace page. And then we can get that bread.

Student 2: alright let's go now.

Student 1: okay!
